Friday, 16 November 2012

Morris Minor: Lighting and Camera Work Summary

 The Morris Minor, as of now, is our main performance location. This is because after trialling the Band Room location, we felt that something much tighter, varied and professional needed to be used. The two posts have already been seen (below) but they help to show potential lighting set ups for the car. The diagram above shows potential flood lighting set ups and camera angles from the exterior of the car.

1 comment:

  1. Band 4 / 16 / A
    Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed.
    There is excellent research into similar products (try to show how other promos and ancillaries have influenced your work - you need more comments on this) and a potential target audience. Keep consulting your audience as your progress / finish – this provides an ongoing record of audience consultation.
    There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding. Again try to include more evidence of how you have developed your production from the first shoot onwards – you should include the first performance footage and explain why you rejected it and re-shot it)
    There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
    Time management is excellent – not sure this has always been the case but of late – yes!
    There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation. Good range of evidence here – variety of sources.
    There are excellent communication skills.
    There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
