Friday, 26 October 2012

Making the Space Helmets

Space Helmet Creation:
In order to keep the low budget, quirky and humorous feeling we are looking for from our music video we decided to create our own helmets from paper bins, tin foil and spray paint.

First we bought several waste paper bins to create the main section of the helmet. The bins are lightweight and sturdy and have a conveniently placed visor flap lid.

Next we cut the bins down to a more manageable size, and also so the actors could see out of the lid. It would be a serious health and safety risk to have no visibility  so they would just have to make do with reduced visibility instead.

We then masking taped the visors' edges and sprayed them black to give the sleek look that Space helmets visors usually have. The masking tape stopped the rest of the lid being sprayed black. Several coats were applied.

The rest of the helmet was sprayed white multiple times to give the pristine white look commonly associated with space helmets. This will help to create a semi authentic feel while keeping the quirky concept.
The final helmet with customised effects and "space damage" so the band members have different features on their helmets.

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